sunday classes
Every week, a variety of Sunday morning classes are offered at Calvary Baptist Church to help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible, systematic theology, evangelism, and apologetics.
Wherever you are in your relationship with Jesus, you will be challenged and encouraged by these classes.
Kids from preschool through sixth grade walk through the Bible each week learning how the story of the Old Testament points to Jesus.
The youth (7th-12th grade) discuss various biblical topics and books.
This class is studying the characters of the Old Testament and 1 Kings. Led by JoAnn Brown, Women of the Word meets upstairs in the room to the left of the sanctuary on Sundays at 9:30am.
In this 12-week course, we will explore the centrality of prayer in the Christian walk, especially in its role among and through other spiritual disciplines towards a deeper walk with Jesus.
The apostle Paul refers to Timothy as a "true son in the faith" (1 TImothy 1:2) and provides instructions concerning false doctrine, the church, false teachers, pastoral responsibilities, and godly character.
This class discusses the importance of and biblical basis for local church membership and explains what makes Calvary unique. Our next Membership Matters class begins on October 13.